Friday, December 10, 2010

Get Engine Oil Off Cement

Vehicles often leak oil and other substances, usually onto a garage floor or driveway. These oil stains can be unsightly and messy. Oil stains cannot be scrubbed from concrete. Instead, many options are available to draw the oil or grease out of the floor. Cleaning up oil spills can be inexpensive and take little time.

1. Put on protective goggles and gloves.
2. Crush 1 cup of cat litter into a powder. Try using a mortar and pestle to crush the litter. You can also place the litter in a sealed plastic bag, place the bag in a magazine and use a hammer to crush the litter.
3. Mix 1 ounce of trisodium phosphate and 1 cup of water in a bucket. Add the crushed litter. Mix with a paint stirrer until a paste forms.
4. Spread the paste on the oil stain with a putty knife and wait for it to dry (about 24 hours). Scrape the paste from the concrete floor with the putty knife.
5. Wet the area with water. Scrub with a nylon brush.
6. Pour cat litter or sand over the area that had the oil spill. Spread it over the entire stain. The litter will absorb any excess oil.
7. Sweep the litter into a dustpan after a couple of days. Dispose in a trash can.

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