Thursday, November 25, 2010

Change Front Brakes on a Vulcan 500

Brake pads are an often over-looked, yet important, part of your Kawasaki Vulcan 500, allowing you to slow or stop as quickly and safely as possible at all times. Keeping a watchful eye on the brake pads as the miles grow can prevent the pad's friction-generating material from wearing away to nothing, a situation that can damage the front brake disc as the pad's metal back plate gouges into its surface. Replacing your Vulcan's front brake pads is a basic task that does not require special training, meaning that you can do it yourself within a short period of time.

1. Unscrew the brake caliper bolts from the left fork leg, using a 14 mm socket. Pull the caliper away from the fork leg and off of the front brake disc.
2. Insert a flat screwdriver between the brake pads and press them back against the sides of the caliper. This will force the caliper's pistons into a full-open position.
3. Remove the pair of pull pins from the brake pad pins within the caliper's mouth, using a pair of needle-nose pliers, then pull the brake pad pins out of the caliper.
4. Pull the brake brake pads and their spring clips out of the caliper. Remove the brake pads from the spring clip before discarding them.
5. Remove any dirt and dust building within the caliper's mouth, using brake cleaner.
6. Place the new brake pads around the spring clips and slide them into the caliper. Reinsert the brake pad pins into the caliper and the brake pads. Insert the pull pins into the ends of the brake pad pins.
7. Slide the brake caliper over the front brake disc and against the left fork leg. Screw the caliper bolts into place, using the 14 mm socket.
8. Pump the front brake lever until the brake pads close completely against the front brake disc, indicated by a stiff feel at the lever.

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